Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Turning On the Change Log

Sometimes individuals work on their Family History daily and others not so much. Regardless of where one falls in that area remembering where one left off can be challenging with the added activities of daily life.

One would open up a family file and unless it is set to open on the last person being researched, it will open to the person it is set to open on each time. 

Even if the program is set to open on the last person research was being conducted, the chances of remembering exactly what was done can be slim.

In Ancestral Quest, there is a way to turn on a 'Change Log' that records everything you have done on your family file. To do this, go to "Tools", scroll down and click on "Preferences":

Next click on the Tab that says "Database":

Once you click the box next to "Record Changes" the changes to the database are being recorded in a flat text file with enough information to help you get back on track.

To view the file being created, click on the "View" button and you'll get this:

At this point you can scroll through to the last one, you can also print the file, the choice is yours. Note that it shows you both the old data and the new/updated data or changed data. Either way it will help you as you continue to research your family lines.

Remember Ancestral Quest is fully FamilySearch Certified!

Comments and questions are always welcome!

Happy Ancestraling...Claire ;)

AQ Cues & Clues Blog:http://ancquest.blogspot.com/

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